Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Adverb Clauses

A. Find the adverb clauses in these sentences. What are their meanings (time, place...)? If it is a reduced adverb clause, add the missing words.

You seem very happy when you help other people.
While you wait, we will detail your car.
I am happier than I ever was before.
That horse is more obstinate than a mule.
The woman took notes while being taught to cook with broccoli.
Ben fields baseballs better than he hits.
As the lions approached the carcass, the cheetahs retreated once more.
While eating, I choked on a bone.

B. Combine the following sentences using adverb clauses at the end of the sentence.

We watched the robins. They raised their young in our apple tree.
Becky read the book. It was recommended by a friend.
Dad donates his suits to charity. He has worn them a year.
The policemen delayed the drivers. The wrecks were cleared.
Ann ate an apple. She studied her vocabulary.

C. Combine the following sentences using adverb clauses at the beginning of the sentence.

Frank started medical training. He drove a forklift for a living.
The rains had started the mud slides. The homes were not safe to live in.
Older people love to sit in the park. They feed the birds and visit.
I enjoyed camping out. I was much younger.
Joe recognised the man. The man had stopped his car to help.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Today's hot issue:

 Research has found that 23%of schoolchildren worldwide say they've been bullied at sometime. What can schools and communities do about this problem?